Area Rugs Care & Maintenance

Area Rugs - Daily Care | Wall 2 Wall Flooring

Daily Rugs Care

Routine area rug care is important to the longevity of your rug. Dirt and debris wear down fibers that will leave your rug looking worn and dull. By vacuuming regularly your area rug will not only look gorgeous, but will last longer. How often you vacuum will depend on how much foot traffic the room receives.

It's also a good idea to place mats at entryways and remove shoes at the door to reduce the amount of dirt tracked into your home. If you have pets, be sure to keep their nails trimmed to prevent snagging.

Rug - Dry Spills | Wall 2 Wall Flooring

Dry Spills

When you see dirt has been tracked into your home or you see a dry spill, it's best to act quickly to prevent the area from becoming a stain. Begin by vacuuming to remove any loose dirt or debris. Use a manufacturer-approved cleaning solution on the area, and be sure to blot the area with a clean cloth instead of rubbing it, which can damage your rug's fibers.

Rug - Liquid Spills | Wall 2 Wall Flooring

Liquid Spills

Unfortunately spills are inevitable, especially in a home with children. When a spill occurs acting quickly will prevent it from becoming a stubborn stain. Blot the area with a clean, dry cloth to remove any liquid. Do not rub the area as that can damage rug fibers. Consult your rug manufacturer's guide before using a cleaning solution or stain remover on your rug.

Living room flooring | Wall 2 Wall Flooring

Bonus Tips

Rotate your rugs regularly. Over time, areas of your rug that receive more foot traffic will show more wear and tear. To help prevent this, it's a good idea to rotate your rug every 6-12 months, depending on the level of foot traffic your room receives. This will help ensure even wear and tear, which prolongs the life of your rug.